[OSM-Devserver] Missing osmosisci user

Sven Geggus lists at fuchsschwanzdomain.de
Fr Jul 1 14:36:46 CEST 2011

Brett Henderson <brett at bretth.com> wrote:

> The osmosis continuous integration build is failing due to a missing
> osmosisci user on the PostgreSQL database.  Is this a known issue?

Not a known issue but unsurprising since the new Postgresql 9.0 database has
been set up from scratch. I just created a osmosisci user for you.
Which permissions do you need for osmosisci? Will you need password

> Can anybody confirm if the following databases still exist?
>   - osmosisci_api06
>   - osmosisci_pgsql06

I did not migrate any old databases from the old database to the new one.
Dump files from the old Databases are availabel in /osm/database-dumps/


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/me is giggls at ircnet, http://sven.gegg.us/ on the Web