[OSM-Devserver] wow!
Christoph Wagner
freemaps.osm at googlemail.com
So Mär 21 02:20:15 CET 2010
Nic Roets schrieb:
> Hello Christoph and Stephan,
> Christoph, on the Gosmore project page you will see that I also use
> overlapping bboxes. But my boxes are of variable size and cover the
> whole planet. I don't see much value in doing something special for
> Europe e.g. daily updates. Have anyone in the US requested AIO files ?
> If yes, we can set up weekly or monthly conversions of my bboxes.
I make only Europe because the whole world is too big for a garmin.
How long does your conversion need for the world?
I would like to update europe daily, if it is possible. Atm I split whole Europe every day.
Maybe I can use your tiles and extrakt the regions I need.
I could build a test map if you like.
The only problem is the ability to route across tile boundaries. I don't know if this would work correctly.
Uh and how do you handle things that crosses multiple tiles for example ways? Do you make a point at tileborder or just copy the way in both tiles or whats your strategy?
And what about relations and such things?
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