[OSM-Devserver] NaviPOWM-Karten und Rechenzeiten

Nic Roets nroets at gmail.com
Do Jan 21 19:27:30 CET 2010

For comparison:

Gosmore compiles the who planet in 7hours 16minutes using only 1 core.

Before I run gosmore I split the planet into 58 rectangles which will
probably be another 4 hours of osmosis. Splitting the planet into countries
will require a similar amount of computing power.

2010/1/21 Tobias Wendorff <tobias.wendorff at uni-dortmund.de>

> Stefan Dettenhofer (StefanDausR) schrieb:
>  Rechenzeiten (Entpacken osm.bz2, maps erzeugen, packen als 7z, txt-Datei
>> für OpenLayers erzeugen):
> Verwendest Du 7z mit Multicore oder normal? Was ist denn besser:
> a) schnell über mehrere Cores packen
> b) langsam über einen Core packen?
My suspicion is that single core will use less CPU seconds because of less
overhead e.g. synchronizing. But multicore may mean less cache misses as the
compression job "crowds out" other jobs. Difficult to analize and and test
will be somewhat subjective.

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