[OSM-Devserver] osmosis gurus needed
Christoph Wagner
freemaps.osm at googlemail.com
Mi Apr 7 11:26:45 CEST 2010
I want to improve the speed of the garmin all in one map by filtering the osm-input data with osmosis.
My problem is, to extract different features from one osm file and write it to multiple output files.
I know there are some filters for this purpose but my special question is:
Can I split an osm file with osmosis in such objects that matches a filter and the rest?
Lets assume I need all highways from an osm file in a separate file and all other objects in another one. Is that possible with osmosis?
input: europe.osm
output: roads_europe.osm and non_roads_europe.osm
How should I do this?
I think I can get all highways and relations with this, but what about the rest?
osmosis \
--read-xml europe.osm \
--tf accept-ways highway=* \
--used-node \
--write-xml roads_europe.osm
or do I have to use 2 separate pipelines like this:
osmosis \
--read-xml europe.osm \
--tee \
--tf accept-ways highway=* \
--used-node \
--write-xml roads_europe.osm \
--tf reject-ways highway=* \
--write-xml non_roads_europe.osm
I don't know if this is clever enough because you have to filter it two times.
And what about the nodes that are used only in highways? Can I get rid of them?
Thanks for help
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