[C3] rC3 - Assembly buildup and tickets

Manfred Stock m-osm at nfred.ch
Tue Dec 8 22:40:43 CET 2020


as some of you may already have seen [1], assemblies can have their own space
at rC3 based on a (customised) version of WorkAdventure [2], a kind of 2D
adventure. This space, however, requires assemblies to build - maps :). There is
a tutorial about map building [3] for this world (which is pretty different to
what we are used to ;)). I've already played quite a bit with this and also
participated in a beginners course (these get announced in the general rocket
channel [4]), and even built a custom tileset [5] based on the OpenStreetMap
Carto style - which might make us feel at home should we go down that route ;).
There are also two simple example maps based on this tileset [6], with a repo
structure which would already make them usable at rC3. Should anybody want to
explore them, then you can use [7] (you can replace the string 'global' in the
URL with some random other string if you want to avoid running into other
people that are currently walking around in the map ;)). I've used some of the
provided features to embed websites and Jitsi rooms in some areas and have
exits to jump between the two maps.

So what do you think? Should we build an OSM assembly space in the virtual
world? If yes, based on the results of my tinkering (I don't mind if we don't
use these results, I already had enough fun learning and playing with this :))
or using different tilesets/ideas (one could also combine different tilesets
and e.g. use my tileset for outdoor areas and jump to a different map with a
more spacey tileset when entering a building)? If we want to build a space, if
I understand it correctly, we should notify the organisers soon(-ish) so they
can integrate us into the larger world. For this, I assume we'd have to at
least decide where we host the Git repo - I'm currently using GitHub but I'm
also fine with other services, I'd also happily grant contributor rights to my
repos if we decide to use these and anybody wants to contribute (in that case,
I'm also happy to help if there are any questions about map making :)).

Finally, a closing note about the tickets: The aforementioned world (and some
other stuff) will only be accessible if you have one ;). Unfortunately, the
first contingent is already sold, but there's a second one that will be
available starting this Saturday [8].


[1] https://events.ccc.de/2020/12/05/rc3-virtueller-aufbau/
[2] https://workadventu.re/
[3] https://howto.rc3.world/maps.en.html
[4] https://rocket.events.ccc.de/channel/general
[5] https://github.com/mstock/rC3-OSM-Tileset
[6] https://github.com/mstock/rC3-OSM-Map
[7] https://play.wa-test.rc3.cccv.de/_/global/mstock.github.io/rC3-OSM-Map/main.json
[8] https://events.ccc.de/2020/12/08/rc3-neues-ticket-kontingent/

"The trouble with doing something right the first time is that nobody
appreciates how difficult it was."
		-- Walt West

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