[OSM-Devserver] mod_tile/Tirex sometimes rendering checkered tiles

Kay Drangmeister kay at drangmeister.net
Sa Jul 17 16:14:14 CEST 2010


Jochen Topf schrieb:
> I have now added code to the WMS backend so that it takes the timeout from the
> backend_manager_alive_timeout setting in the config file (minus 10s so that it hits
> before the backend_manager kills the process).

Thanks a lot! I svn up'ed, built, and did a "sudo make install", and
it wrote template files over my existing config files in /etc/tirex. Is
that a bug or did I do something wrong?

Other than that, I can confirm it working (my tiles take upto 2 hrs
to render :-P )

Kind regards,