[OSM-Devserver] mod_tile/Tirex sometimes rendering checkered tiles

Peter Körner osm-lists at mazdermind.de
Do Jul 8 13:07:05 CEST 2010

Am 08.07.2010 10:33, schrieb Kay Drangmeister:
> Sometimes, however, there are black/yellow checkered tiles like this one:
> http://drangmeister.net/tmp/44568.png
> The according metatile looks like this:
> -rw-r--r-- 1 tirex tirex 9108 2010-07-07 23:21 8.meta
May I ask how you got this? I'm sometimes wondering how to find the 
meta-tile to a given png. I'd love to have a /meta request that gives me 
this kind of information.
