[OSM-Devserver] Partitionierung

Sven Geggus lists at fuchsschwanzdomain.de
Mo Apr 12 14:59:03 CEST 2010

Sven Geggus <lists at fuchsschwanzdomain.de> wrote:

> Aber sowas (untested) könnte klappen:
> CREATE INDEX planet_osm_hstore_point_btidx ON planet_osm_hstore_point
> USING BTREE (tags) where (tags ? 'amenity');

Erzeugen kann man den Index:

hstore-rendering=> \d planet_osm_hstore_point
Tabelle »public.planet_osm_hstore_point«
 Spalte |   Typ    | Attribute 
 osm_id | integer  | 
 tags   | hstore   | 
 way    | geometry | 
    »planet_osm_hstore_point_btidx« btree (tags) WHERE tags ? 'amenity'::text
    »planet_osm_hstore_point_index« gist (way)
    »planet_osm_hstore_point_pkey« btree (osm_id)
    »planet_osm_hstore_point_tags« gin (tags)

Keine Ahnung ob er hilft.


The main thing to note is that when you choose open source you don't
get a Windows operating system.
                                  (from http://www.dell.com/ubuntu)
/me is giggls at ircnet, http://sven.gegg.us/ on the Web