[OSM-Berlin] Render/Tagging Problem: Inser der Jugend

Michael Wiedmann mw at miwie.in-berlin.de
Mo Jun 20 08:15:26 CEST 2011

OK, langsam nervt es ...

In  mapsforge-dev werde ich aufgefordert/gebeten ein Statement hierher

"By the way ... why doesn't the "landuse=forest" way share its nodes
with the island polygon? Sometimes the forest is in the water a little
bit, sometimes there is a little margin between both ways. Why?"


"At the moment, my time is too limited to take care of this specific
mapping problem. I think it would be better if you could forward my
statement to this person, so that he can decide whether i am right and
this must be fixed or i am wrong and this can simply be ignored."

Wenn sich jemand berufen fühlt, das klarzustellen, vermittle ich gerne
offlist die entsprechende Email-Adresse (Diskussion kann in Deutsch
